Shore Community Update: News, Insights, and a Behind-the-Scenes Look

Shore Community Update: News, Insights, and a Behind-the-Scenes Look

At Shore, maintaining a strong connection with customers and partners is a top priority. It’s crucial to stay informed about the latest developments in the Shore system while also gaining a genuine insight into the team’s daily work. That’s why we’ve introduced a new format: the Shore Community Update! In these videos, we will regularly…

Google Consent Mode is here: what you need to know + integration with Shore Booking

Google Consent Mode is here: what you need to know + integration with Shore Booking

Google Consent Mode (GCM) is Google’s response to increasingly strict data protection guidelines in the European Union (EU). As a website operator, you should be aware of Google Consent Mode if you use Google tools such as Google Analytics or Google Ads. We explain the background and give you tips for practical implementation plus step-by-step…